Passionate about PE

Activate Sports Education is a sports coaching company providing quality
physical education and sport specific sessions within schools.

The new 2019 OFSTED framework places a huge emphasis on how well schools implement their curriculum and expects that “teachers have good knowledge of the subject(s) they teach.”

PE is a curriculum area that teachers can often feel less confident about teaching effectively. We can take away that concern, by providing high quality PE education for all ages of children from Nursery to Year 6; which meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and guarantees appropriate progression of skills across year groups, covering a wide range of sports.

We can work with you to maximise the use of your sports premium budget and to ensure that the intent, implementation and impact of your PE curriculum is of the highest standard.

Why us? We're passionate about PE!

High Quality Lessons
Competitively Priced
External Club Exit Routes
Bespoke Services
Planning & Assessments
Physical Development Interventions

Arrange a FREE AUDIT of your current sports provision or to discuss how we can help develop your PE and Sport at your school please contact us.










Our Services Some of our key services we offer:

Activate Sports Education works with schools to provide the best provision for you. We know not one service suits everyone. That is why we offer a FREE Audit to help you discover how we can help. We can customise our services to suit your school needs, so you get the best value for money.

Holiday Camps Download Brochure

Creating opportunities for KS1 & KS2 children to try new sports during breakfast, lunch and afterschool sports.

Our core service offering fully planned PE sessions in a variety of sports to suit the schools needs and interests for the full academic year.

We offer bespoke sports day packages to schools, with a variety of ways to engage with children throughout a day of sport.

We provide a safe and fun environment for children to discover new sports and keep active during school holidays. This can part of your own wraparound care provision, or we can take full responsibility and use your school as a host venue.

From pre-competition training for specific competitions and school games events to providing a sports coach to travel with the team as event lead, taking the pressure from staff off site.

We can help teachers with delivering quality PE sessions and help with long term planning and assessment.

School Holiday Sports Provision

Get active during the school holiday!

We offer fully managed and organised sports and activity sessions during the school holidays; your school could be the host venue and offer exclusive sessions just for children at your school or open to children from other areas.

If you have your own wraparound provision, we could help boost your activities with a sports morning or day to encourage more children to get active
during the holidays.

There is so much flexibility to offer more activities than just in term time and with our fully trained staff to help this could be a great addition to your school.

Our coaches are our business!

All our coaches are passionate about sport and PE.

They aim to create a fun and safe environment for all children to ensure they develop and enjoy PE and physical activity, creating a legacy for the
next generation.

Our coaches are fully trained, regularly assessed, and mentored throughout their role within schools. All our lead coaches undergo a 4-week induction covering DBS checks, safeguarding training, behaviour management, PE confidence training and
to ensure they follow our policies and objectives.

We create a portfolio for each school, highlighting school timetables, lesson plans and any school specific requirements to ensure our coaches can give you the quality service you deserve.

Arrange a FREE AUDIT of your current sports provision or to discuss how we can help develop your PE and Sport at your school please contact us

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